John's Band List
  • Less Than Mediocre
  • Below Average White Band
  • Kettle of Fish
  • Slim Goat and the Dead Herders
  • John is the least experienced in the band. He's always harboured ambitions of playing in a band, and with Furbawlz! has achieved it. His ambition goes back to when he was 16 when he bought a drum kit for £50,and played them once in the house before his mum stifled the need to bash hell out of them. An acoustic guitar was bought around the same time, but did little beyond playing E minor.
    Another 'fad' passed. He concentrated on seeing his heroes play at the local Liverpool Empire bands including
  • Sabbath
  • Purple
  • UFO
  • Ted Nugent
  • Camel
  • Lynyrd Skynyrd
  • Queen
      Plus many more.....
  • He wished the 70s would never end! So Rock was always under his skin. He joined the R.A.F. in 1979 and during the first couple of years got involved with an established rock band who were short of a vocalist for a practice session. He jumped in with both feet, and playing to a massive crowd of 8, sang along to Mistreated by Deep Purple and the obligatory Stairway to Heaven. He was inspired and was hopeful of getting something started as the guitarist was brilliant.
    It wasn't to be though. Years came and went, until the urge surfaced again and during another posting in Cambridgeshire, got a band together to play in a big charity event. Aptly named 'Less Than Mediocre', they had one practice, and performed at the event with great gusto, drunkenness and an unfailing ability to ruin 7 or 8 songs. But what a time they had. They did one more gig at John's leaving party which went down well despite their reluctance to practice. There is no truth in the rumour that a failed pyrotechnic trick during this last gig, was to blame for the fire that razed the RAF camp to the ground.
    Again years went by and nothing tangible was done in bands. Of late, John met up with a couple of work mates with the intention of learning to play guitar and play a few tunes at home. This blossomed into the core of a potential group, and soon they'd arranged to have a house party where they'd play their tunes, mostly ballads. A while later, they'd grown into a 5 piece and played at a village hall to friends and families. Names adopted during these times included 'Below Average White Band', 'Kettle of Fish' and finally 'Slim Goat and the Dead Herders'!
    During a weekly delve into the weekly FreeAds, John came across a cry from an ageing drummer who wanted 'one more beer' and to play rock and roll. This was his start of the association with Furbawlz! He is keen to gig, and also to have a stab at writing some tunes to record. He wants to have a lot of fun doing this in middle age, but wants to do things well to support his more experienced colleagues in the band.

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